A patinated brass brooch, as if it had already weathered many years on that lapel. Juno looks on, calmly...
Solids brass with sterling accents and a hand formed sterling pin for fastening.
$ 62.02
$ 47.71
$ 88.00
$ 52.81
$ 68.65
$ 89.99
$ 53.75
$ 69.88
$ 57.42
$ 74.65
$ 39.00
$ 47.57
$ 61.84
$ 19.99
$ 42.95
$ 55.42
$ 72.05
A patinated brass brooch, as if it had already weathered many years on that lapel. Juno looks on, calmly...
Solids brass with sterling accents and a hand formed sterling pin for fastening.